6 Unimportant Things That Make Me Happy

June 11, 2009

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Shay tagged me with this blog meme. I’m supposed to list 6 “unimportant” things that make me happy.

There are so many small things that make me happy.

You could ask me this question every week and probably get different answers each time. For now, I’ll choose a theme.

How about summer?

6 Summer Things That Make Me Happy

1- Edy’s Lime Popsicles

093/365 sweet treats
Creative Commons License
photo credit: Gibsonclaire

Oh my goodness these are good. They’re sweetened with sugar instead of HFCS. And just between you and me, you can throw one into the blender with tequila and triple sec and make a super fast margarita.

2 – My Blue Fingernail Polish from Piggy Paints


If you’re not familiar, Piggy Paints is a non toxic nail polish.  As soon as my toes came out of hiding, they got the blue treatment.

3 – Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil

I’m working on a review of this product now. I’ve long used coconut oil for cooking, but this stuff I’m taking as a supplement – anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon a day, straight up.

I also use it externally – I rub it on my skin after a shower while I’m damp. It soaks in quicker than any other oil! I use a few drops on my hair as a conditioner before shampooing and after, as a styling aid – my hair has never looked so shiny!

It’s great for keeping your feet soft, so I use a little on my feet just before bed. I slather it on my face at night. Love the stuff.

(It just occurred to me that perhaps #3 doesn’t fit the description of uninportant. Nutrition and health are certainly important. Moving on…)

4 – Facebook

I’ll admit it. Facebook is my guilty pleasure. I recently made the decision to remove all business contacts from Facebook so it can be all about friends and family and the odd ex boyfriend.

The way I figure, I don’t have a television, I don’t read trashy magazines, so why not? It’s too much fun to connect and re-connect with people you care about.

5 – The City Pool

We bought a pass. For $30 all 5 of us can swim our little hearts out. I can’t think of cheaper summer entertainment than that!

The 3 older kids are taking swim lessons for an hour a day, 5 days a week for two weeks. That’s been fun for them and they’re a lot more confident in the water. Sadie didn’t meet the height requirement but she has worked her charms on the hot lifeguards instructors and so every day they’ve grabbed her and let her participate.

6 -  Avocados

I love avocados. I just one ate one, straight up, with a spoon.

Now it’s your turn:

Lisa @ MsFitUniverse

Nichole @ FullEarthsEtc

Amanda @ oohAmanda

Nell @ CasualFridayEveryday

Stefanie @ MommyMusings

Jo-Lynn @ MusingsOfAHousewife

(The rules are: link to this post, list your 6 things, link to 6 other bloggers and comment on their blog too.)

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3 Responses to “6 Unimportant Things That Make Me Happy”

  1. Shay on June 11th, 2009 3:43 pm

    Those are great things! It is hard to pick because some of them have aspects about them that are important – and if they’re significant to you, then they are important! :) And I definitely agree that Facebook is VERY addicting!

  2. Christine, Australia on June 17th, 2009 12:39 am

    I was going to say something similar to Shay. If it makes you happy, too, then it’s DEFINITELY important.


  3. Shelly on June 20th, 2009 11:36 am

    Thanks, for that Piggy Paints info. I need to check them out.

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