Breastmilk – the other white milk

February 2, 2007

Well now I guess I might get a nasty letter from the Pork industry like my friend Jennifer aka The Lactivist did.

Apparently Jennifer has stepped on the pig people’s toes with her “The Other White Milk” breastfeeding advocacy tshirt. Read the whole story here: Pork people want to sue Lactivist

What are your thoughts? I try to stay away from pork anyway, but would seeing a shirt like this lower your opinion of the Pork industry?

What I really think is hilarious is their assertion that Jennifer is somehow insulting pork by using their slogan… as if breastfeeding were (yet again…) “dirty”.

Breastmilk is dirty and dead pig flesh isn’t. Hmm. Interesting.

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2 Responses to “Breastmilk – the other white milk”

  1. Stephanie on February 5th, 2007 4:38 am

    I blogged on this one too. Guess their lawyers were getting bored or something. Utterly insane to compare the two.

    Besides, parody is within the law.

  2. Nicole Maendel on February 23rd, 2007 3:34 pm

    Breast Milk vs. Pork (not the other white meat..the filthy virus and parasite infested meat)?! Personally, to see a shirt like that would never inspire a comparison between the pork industry and breastmilk. It’s almost sacreligious for me to even say those two in the same sentence! Hey, Jennifer’s shirt could’ve easily read “The only white milk ;) ” My favorite pro-BF advertisement by far is the two huge scoops of vanilla icecream on a platter side by side each one with a cherry on top. We now need to get that one on a t-shirt..maybe a pig on the back encircled and slashed.

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