Ease Menstrual Cramps Naturally

May 11, 2009

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menstrual cramps
Creative Commons License photo credit: rbmay

Each woman experiences her menstrual cramps different from the next. For me, they’re hardly noticeable. Although, when I was 12 and first started my period, I thought I was dying.

Now that I’ve had babies, I hardly have cramps at all. (I actually find the cramps I experience around ovulation to be more uncomfortable. Called mittelschmerz, they’re a whole other blog post.) I’m not sure if it’s because the sensation feels familiar (and compared to the similar but much stronger feeling of labor pains, pale in comparison!) or if it has to do with the physical changes brought on my childbirth (like having a wider cervical opening).

Before I delve deeper into the topic however, can I briefly bring your attention to the awesome Flickr photo that appears at the top of this post?

I think its an awesome way to illustrate this isn’t it? :-)

While some women like myself have mild cramps that are fairly tolerable, others are not as fortunate. For some women, menstrual cramps can feel very painful.

Cramps can often be remedied or at least eased through natural methods. Here are a few examples.

Easing Menstrual Cramps Naturally

Red Raspberry Leaf tea:

This tea is better known as the “woman’s tea” that has many useful purposes. It is used in fertilization, a healthy pregnancy, inducing labor and promoting healthy lactation. It also has the use of helping your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size after giving birth.

I credit Red Raspberry Leaf tea with helping me have easy births for babes 2-4. The stuff is magic, I tell you. I didn’t discover it until my second pregnancy (although my first birth was uncomplicated, the second one was almost effortless).

RRL is an excellent source of easily assimilated minerals (such as calcium). This may be why it’s so wonderful for women in their childbearing years.

When those painful cramps start creeping up, brew yourself a hot cup of raspberry leaf tea. This can be found in natural leaf form or in bags. What red raspberry does is help strengthen uterine walls and provide your body with minerals that replenish the body. Both the warmth and the benefits of red raspberry leaf tea can help reduce the discomforts of menstrual cramps.

If cramps are an ongoing problem, drinking RRL every day two weeks before your period might do wonders.

Here’s another one of those cool pictures.

menstrual cramps
Creative Commons License photo credit: rbmay


(One caveat first. Heat feels good and is soothing, but it may make you bleed more. If you already have heavy periods, you may want to skip the heat.)

There are several natural ways to make your own heating pads on the cheap. The easiest way is to fill an old sock with rice and heat it in the microwave for a few minutes. (Do not use instant rice.) Of course, if you don’t own a microwave then you can use an old fashioned hot water bottle, available at most drug stores.

Iron-rich foods:

Before your period begins, you’ll want to be sure your diet contains enough iron. Those with low-iron levels or who are anemic tend to have stronger cramps.

Iron-rich foods include beans, eggs, beef (make it grass fed!) and turkey. To enhance the absorption of iron, it is a good idea to pair with vitamin-C foods such as oranges, strawberries and tomatoes. However, calcium can block iron-absorption so try not to eat calcium-rich foods within an hour or two of consuming your iron.

Cooking your food in cast iron provides you with a little extra iron. Hmm. Maybe this is why I don’t have menstrual cramps…?

Get active:

Believe it or not, menstrual cramps can begin to diminish with more exercise. This should be incorporated into your lifestyle every day. When the cramps hit, do some stretching and then take a walk. The movement and regular exercise can assist in reducing the severity of the cramps.

Get Jiggy:

Yes ladies, orgasm is said to cure menstrual cramps, because the uterine contractions it produces can help counteract them. My personal belief is that it just makes you not care anymore, thanks to the endorphins.

Whatever works, eh?

Incidentally, some women find that they are more interested in sex during their periods due to the increased blood flow in the area. Keep in mind that depending on your particular cycle, you can get pregnant at the end of your period. Although you won’t ovulate for a few more days, sperm can live 5-7 days. So be careful unless you’re trying to get pregnant.

*Remember, if cramps are excessive and natural remedies are not helpful, you may want to speak with a health professional for any possible underlining causes for severe menstrual cramps.

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One Response to “Ease Menstrual Cramps Naturally”

  1. Alicia on June 25th, 2009 12:25 pm

    I used to get severe menstrual cramps since the age of 14 until I started to live healthy. I grew up in a family that didn’t even know what a veggie was so I was clueless about health . Then I started doing reasearch. I eat a low fat vegan diet high in fiber ( animal products are filled with poisons and are unatural) and avoid junk like soda, booze, smoking, msg, fake sugar. I also work out at least three times a week for an hour.I find doing some kind of cardio works best.I drink lots of raspberry leaf, mint, chamomile, caraway, anise, fenel , ginger tea. Taking warms baths helps as well. Supplements are important like vitamin e, b6 , flax , potassium, and magnesium.

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