Comments on: Ease Menstrual Cramps Naturally Natural Motherhood, Breastfeeding, Baby Wearing and Green Living. Fri, 06 Nov 2009 23:02:22 -0500 hourly 1 By: Alicia Alicia Thu, 25 Jun 2009 17:25:01 +0000 I used to get severe menstrual cramps since the age of 14 until I started to live healthy. I grew up in a family that didn't even know what a veggie was so I was clueless about health . Then I started doing reasearch. I eat a low fat vegan diet high in fiber ( animal products are filled with poisons and are unatural) and avoid junk like soda, booze, smoking, msg, fake sugar. I also work out at least three times a week for an hour.I find doing some kind of cardio works best.I drink lots of raspberry leaf, mint, chamomile, caraway, anise, fenel , ginger tea. Taking warms baths helps as well. Supplements are important like vitamin e, b6 , flax , potassium, and magnesium. I used to get severe menstrual cramps since the age of 14 until I started to live healthy. I grew up in a family that didn’t even know what a veggie was so I was clueless about health . Then I started doing reasearch. I eat a low fat vegan diet high in fiber ( animal products are filled with poisons and are unatural) and avoid junk like soda, booze, smoking, msg, fake sugar. I also work out at least three times a week for an hour.I find doing some kind of cardio works best.I drink lots of raspberry leaf, mint, chamomile, caraway, anise, fenel , ginger tea. Taking warms baths helps as well. Supplements are important like vitamin e, b6 , flax , potassium, and magnesium.
