I did something today that, for me, was a little bit scary.
I sold my “What Your _ Grader Should Know” books.
No offense to the author and publisher. Because truly, these are awesome books. In fact, if you were homeschooling on a tight budget, you could buy one and easily create your child’s entire curriculum for the year using it.
And this was more than an exercise in minimalism/decluttering.
Far more.
You see, by getting rid of these books I am finally untethering myself from Should.
I really should use those books, I would think each time I walked past them sitting on my bookshelf.
And yet I never did.
I really should take a look at what those books say, to make sure my kids are learning what they “should”.
These books sitting on your shelf may not have this effect on you.
But in my house, they had to go.
Every year I find myself less and less concerned about what “they” say my kids should be learning. Getting rid of these books once and for all released a huge burden from my mind.
I am untethering from the idea that children “should” learn a particular “something” by a “certain” age because “they” said so.
Because you know what?
I don’t care about someone else’s should.
Here is what I think my children should learn:
- They should learn to read well, so they can learn… everything else.
- They should learn math, so they can build things, balance their checkbook, figure out how much to charge, where to invest, and how to save.
- They should learn history, so they can see the truth that “man has dominated man to his injury”, and why every system of man made government is inferior to the Kingdom.
- They should learn to be people of character: kind, respectful, and honest so they can live peaceably among other people.
- They should learn how to live: how to cook, clean, do laundry so they can be independent.
And they’re already learning these things.
With just their mom as the educational expert.
I had to get rid of these books so I could quit shoulding on myself and my kids.
What Shoulds have you let go of?
This is always a big thing for me. Letting go of the things society says that you “should” be doing in order to have a healthy, happy child. My big “should” this year was homeschooling both of my school aged children. My 9 year old has been thriving for the last three years in a homeschool environment. This year my 5 year old started Kindergarten. I sent my 5 year old a total of 2 weeks to public school. And why? Because I fell pray to the “shoulds” that most well meaning people place on others. I thought…”Oh, well he will get a good foundation then when he is ready in about a year or so I will pull him out…” DUH! A good foundation starts at home. I am happy to say my 5 year old is enjoying his curriculum AT HOME, and we are adjusting quite well to handling two age groups at once. All of my well-meaning friends, and some family members too balked at the fact that I would be homeschooling both. Well we have proved them wrong once again! There is such a relief, and a release when you can get rid of things that complicate and clutter ones life.
Thanks for commenting Chloe!
I had a feeling you guys might end up pulling him out
It’s sometimes the hardest thing in the world to trust ourselves isn’t it? I’m glad this part gets easier as they get older
Do the kids still have to take the CRCT or whatever it is they still make them take these days if they’re in homeschool?
Not the CRCT.
“Standardized Tests: Children must take a national standardized achievement test every three years beginning at the end of the third grade. “Test scores are not required to be submitted to public school authorities.”