Midwives, Blood, and Natural Cleaners for the Home

July 4, 2007

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Before my 2nd child was born, my midwife instructed me to buy two large bottles of hydrogen peroxide. I thought they were to disinfect something (maybe to apply to the umbilical stump? Ooh! Cooooollllld).

But, shortly after my son was born, she asked for the bottles. I watched eagerly as she grabbed the peroxide, knelt down on the floor … and began removing blood stains out of the carpet. Amazing! I had to laugh at my ignorance. She poured it liberally on the stains, blotted with a clean towel, and I watched the blood literally disappear.

Of course, that wasn’t my first experience with using natural cleaners for the home. Just the most interesting!

I LOVE baking soda. In fact I’m hard put to find a household chore that couldn’t benefit from a little sprinkle of the magic white stuff. I am going to start a thread here on this blog dedicated to none other than the multiple uses of baking soda. Will you join me?


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