Missed BlissDom

February 12, 2010

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I’m feeling a little disappointed about missing BlissDom this year.  (You can see a few of my BlissDom posts here and on my business blog here.)

Oddly,  I had no plans to go. But hearing all the tweeting and thinking of how I missed seeing some of my favorite mom bloggers, I felt a twinge.

I have been feeling too horrible to do any traveling, but it’s on my agenda for next year. If you were in attendance, I would love to read your recap posts!

Please link to them in the comments. Thanks!

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One Response to “Missed BlissDom”

  1. Corrin on February 18th, 2010 9:20 am

    This was my 2nd Blissdom (we met briefly last year) and it was the best blogging conference I’ve been to, by far.


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