Wahm Wednesday: Mmmotivated

March 10, 2010

As I’ve mentioned several times before, I’m a long time member of Mom Masterminds.

Mom Masterminds is the only networking, learning, coaching, accountability and mentoring forum I know of just for work at home moms who are serious about making their business a success.

(And by the way, if you have a mom blog that you monetize, you have a business.)

Recently Kelly McCausey began publishing a monthly newsletter for members. This month she made the “MMMotivator” available for the general public.

You can download your copy here:

Mom Masterminds Mmotivator

Enjoy reading!

And if you’re interested in seeing what MM is all about, check out the free trial membership here.

Speaking of WAHMs, if you’re a Virtual Assistant or would like to know more about the techy nuts and bolts of setting up a WordPress blog, visit my other blog for a free downloadable checklist!

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