More breastfeeding benefits to Mother

January 12, 2007

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Every few years we find out another of the benefits to a Mother’s health from breastfeeding. Here’s a recent one:

Breastfeeding Mothers have less Rheumatoid Arthritis

Quote: Looking at total lifetime breastfeeding, regardless of number of children, women who had breast-fed for between 13 and 23 months had a 20 percent reduction in the risk of RA compared with women who did not breastfeed. Women who had breast-fed for at least 24 months – two full years out of their childbearing years – increased their risk reduction to 50 percent.

“Our data suggest breast-feeding confers long lasting protection against developing RA,” Dr. Karlson states, “because the mean time since the last pregnancy among women with RA was 25 years.”

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