Naturally Healthy Ways to Look 10 Years Younger

Healthy, Natural Ways to Look 10 Years Younger

You don’t have to go under the knife or spend money on botox treatments in order to look ten years younger. Instead, make a few lifestyle changes and start treating yourself with a little TLC and you will be amazed at the results. Things such as sleep, diet, exercise and more play a huge role in your appearance.

Dream on, dream on.
Creative Commons License photo credit: Porcelaingirl° {enthusiastic foolish}

Getting a good night’s sleep is a sure-fire way to not only look younger, but to feel great as well. This is because while you sleep, cells go through a repair process and your body releases the hormone melatonin. This hormone has very positive effects on the skin. The result is radiant and youthful looking skin, fewer lines and less puffiness around the eyes. So do yourself a favor and get your z’s.

Be sure to eat a balanced diet, including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Not only will this regimen help you to maintain a healthy weight, the vitamins and anti-oxidants in the fruit and veggies nourish your skin and hair. Having healthy skin and shiny hair is a definite recipe for a more youthful look.

While you’re at it, drink lots of water each day. Water cleanses your body of toxins and hydrates your skin. Hydrated skin just plain looks younger. While we’re talking about skin, don’t forget to protect your nicely hydrated skin by wearing sun screen. The damaging effects of the sun, including skin cancer, have been well documented and should be taken very seriously. Excessive exposure dries the skin and will eventually give it a leathery appearance at the least.

Be sure to wear a hat to provide further protection from the rays for the sensitive skin on your face. You don’t have to forego the healthy tanned look. Just use a tanning product instead of baking in the sun or in a tanning bed.

Green Mint Masque
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It’s important to use a good cleanser on your face each day to unclog pores and keep your skin from looking dry and dull. Don’t forget to moisturize after washing and this includes your entire body, not just your face. Your hands take a beating in the course of daily life. Slather on a layer of oil followed by rich lotion, nightly, to have soft, younger looking hands. A weekly mask can also brighten and temporarily tighten your skin.

Exercise increases bone density and muscle tone. So get regular exercise, including a routine like Pilates to tighten sagging muscles. A fit, trim body looks younger. Not only will you be healthier and more energized on the outside, you’ll feel younger too.

Updating a haircut can cut years from a woman’s appearance. Consider highlights rather than simply dying your hair to soften your look. Find a cut that accentuates your best facial features and your lifestyle. Talk with your stylist about what type of cut and color will look best on you and try it, you never know you might just fall in love with your hair again.

Your lifestyle choices greatly affect whether you look ten years younger or ten years older. Smoking and drinking both negatively affect the aging process by blocking the absorption of necessary nutrients and over time cause damage to the major organs of the body. So, if you smoke or drink, quit and soon you’ll begin to look and feel younger. You can also practice a safe detox method to clear your skin and improve your overall health.

There are so many easy, natural ways to become a younger you. Once you’ve applied some of the tips above and started seeing a difference in yourself, try not to look too smug when people find out your true age.

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