Natural Moms Podcast #136

February 23, 2010

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My guest this week is John Monroe. He is sharing “eye-opening” information with us on natural vision improvement based on the work of Deborah Banker, M.D., an ophthalmologist/general practitioner and internationally known expert on health and vision improvement.

Is it possible to eliminate the need for glasses and improve and prevent eye diseases? Have you ever wondered if eyeglasses actually accelerate the degeneration of your eyes? Listen in and find out!

Learn more about Dr. Banker’s Home Study Vision Improvement Kit here.

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2 Responses to “Natural Moms Podcast #136”

  1. Monica on February 25th, 2010 2:28 pm

    I used to wear glasses and my vision only got worst. It was a good thing that I couldn´t stand them. So I stopped wearing my glasses and my vision started to improve.

    I was told to wear glasses because of some issues that arose just when I was finishing my thesis and moving to another country, so the problem were not my eyes but the stressing situation.

    I’ve been living w/o glasses for about 6 years now and my vision is well. I have passed the driver’s test and all without problems.

  2. Christine Holroyd on February 27th, 2010 7:02 am

    Carrie this is such great information for me right now. Very timely. I’ve just purchased a book (and special ‘glasses’) by Janet Goodrich called ‘Natural Vision Improvement’ written in 1985. My eyesight has deteriorated rapidly and dramatically in the past couple of yrs after having excellent vision all of my life. I believe I can improve it naturally and listening to the podcast was very enlightening.

    I have been very tense and easily angered in the past few yrs, so no wonder things are not ‘looking’ good. Pardon the pun :-)

    I will definitely be checking the website and getting more up to date information. Thanks so much


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