Natural Moms Podcast #62

September 11, 2007

My guest this week is Aurelia Williams of Real Life Coaching. Aurelia is a life coach and host of the Parenting My Teen talk radio show.  Aurelia and I are talking about the “Leave ‘em alone, Zap ‘em” style of parenting that is so pervasive in our culture. And how can we raise children who respect our boundaries but who aren’t afraid to ask for what they want in adulthood?

Listen online or download the mp3 HERE.

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One Response to “Natural Moms Podcast #62”

  1. Elizabeth ashe on September 14th, 2007 2:03 pm

    What a great show, I grew up also w/am mom who although was good to us, she never really allowed us to express ourselves, are helped us to understand the reason why some things happen – it was just because i said so.

    What a great show to show parents the importance of encouragements and positive things of feedback that will go along way w/our kids.

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