Been There, Done That, Wrote A Book

Filed under: Uncategorized — May 26, 2006 @ 4:30 pm

You could say that about today’s guest, Connie Colten. She’s learned a thing or two about homeschooling, and now that her kids are “all grown up”, she’s eager to share that with other new homeschooling families.

What about you? What things can you share with the homeschool crowd? Have your views on education evolved since becoming a homeschooling parent? Do share!

My Husband Said “Amen”

Filed under: Uncategorized — May 17, 2006 @ 9:06 pm

This is the first episode that my husband has listened to. He has been a subscriber to Mark Brandenburg’s ecourse for some time now, and I asked him to listen in. When Mark talked about Moms being patient with Dads as they learn parenting and communication skills, his comment was “Amen”.

Make sure your hubster listens in this week!

Chores, Chores, Chores

Filed under: Uncategorized — April 20, 2006 @ 4:54 pm

Well the verdict is in: The last 4 guests on Natural Moms Talk Radio sang the praises of chores. If you’re not giving your kids regular work to do around the house, you may be doing them a disservice.

It occurred to me recently while washing dishes (where I get my usual epiphanies), that the glut of information we parents have received in recent years on self esteem and kids may have come from our own fear of putting our kids to work. After all, did little Johnny, who ran a tractor at 8 years old and could see in a physical way how his contribution helped the family eat, have self esteem issues? Did young Mary, who pounded dough for the morning loaf and then gathered eggs for breakfast, worry about the size of her rear end?

Something tells me, no. Perhaps by letting our kids play all the time instead of having them contribute to the family work in a very real sense, we’re actually robbing them of what makes them feel worthwhile… worthy work.

I agree very much with Kelly Nault, author of When You’re About to Go Off the Deep End, Don’t Take Your Kids With You who insists that kids like chores.

What can your kids do to lighten your load and contribute more to family harmony? My almost 8 year old cleans his bathroom every day (his is cleaner than mine, hands down!), vacuums and sweeps occasionally, helps fold laundry and assists Daddy with outdoor chores.

5 year old Julien brings me his laundry basket, puts clean laundry away, and sweeps under the kitchen table every day.

Even 3 year old Ilana can fold washcloths (and does a decent job with the towels too), put her clean clothing away, wipe up her spills, pick up toys, and “wash dishes”. (You’d be surprised how clean they’ll get with an energetic toddler swishing them around in a bowl of warm water and suds!) Each of them is also responsible for putting their dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I don’t pick up dirty laundry off the floor either.

Put the kids to work- you’ll be doing them and you, a favor!

More resources:
How do I get my kids to clean? and Chores for children

Chat With Moms

Filed under: Uncategorized — April 4, 2006 @ 2:58 am

If you’re looking for a place to chat with other Moms, check out MomsTalkForum, a new bulletin board for Moms to talk about kiddos, husbands, daily life, all the dish. We’re having fun so come on over :)

Mommy, What Is An Equinox?

Filed under: Uncategorized — March 6, 2006 @ 1:27 pm

One of the cool things about homeschooling is that you get to revisit your own education. My 7 year old came to me this morning and asked me this question. Still a bit tired and achy from sleep, and trying to get eggs and oatmeal on the stove, I said “Ummm….it has something to do with the relative position of the earth and the sun.”

Pretty good for 7 am eh? I promised him we would look it up later, after breakfast and my green tea kicked in. Then I get to learn all about equinoxes, and probably solstices too. ;)

 Today on Natural Moms Talk Radio I’m talking with a homeschooling Mom who is the author of Life Long Learning. Tune in and listen here.

Welcome to the blog :)

Filed under: Uncategorized — February 26, 2006 @ 11:17 pm

Welcome to the Natural Moms Talk Radio blog. This will be a place where you can leave your comments about my guests, and other news and events related to the show. If you loved it, hated it, whatever, I want to know. :)