Review: Mom Has Fun Parenting Method

It’s been over a year since I started going through this parenting coaching class. It’s called the Mom Has Fun Parenting Method 120 Day Home Study Course.

When I first heard about this method, I was really intrigued. In fact I was so intrigued that the creator of the method, Nicole MacKenzie, was one of my first guests on Natural Moms Talk Radio. It has long since been removed from the site but you can access it, along with the transcripts of the interview, here:

Moms Wisdom

Immediately I was struck by the fact that Nicole and her husband seemed so joyful and were raising 7 kids. They must know what they’re doing. But the deeper I delved into the program, the more impressed I was with the method. I admit – I haven’t finished going through all the lessons yet! But even the first couple of lessons are enough to really shift your entire parenting paradigm and give you immediate tools to help you enjoy your parenting more.

Here are a few concepts that are key with the Responsive Parenting Method:

  • Good parenting is about Coaching, not Controlling
  • Emotions are good – but attachment to them is bad
  • The more fun you have, the easier and more effective at shaping behavior your parenting will be
  • Much unhappiness and lack of parental effectiveness comes from getting stuck in your child’s emotional state
  • Forgiving yourself is very important. You deserve forgiveness as much as your kids do.
  • There is a huge difference between consequences and punishment. Consequences interrupt bad behavior patterns, punishment tends to perpetuate problems and power struggles

One of the things I like best about this coaching class is that it is self taught, so you can go as fast or as slow as you need to through the material. I printed out all my lessons and put them into a folder. Right from the start, Nicole has you doing homework – in the first week you are to observe your patterns and emotions and record them. You record the happy times where your parenting “worked” and unhappy times where it didn’t. That gets you to the heart of things right away – that consciousness and awareness is SO POWERFUL in parenting.

I highly recommend this coaching program. Changes that are made consistently and slowly are much more likely to “stick”. You will find yourself changing with this information but you’ll actually enjoy it and you’ll learn a lot about yourself, your kids and human behavior in general. In fact, you’ll delve pretty deeply into human emotion and what makes us people types “tick”. It’s pretty fascinating stuff that can benefit you in a variety of situations, not just in parenting.

Nicole offers the entire 12 week online parenting course and also a smaller version in the form of an ebook. If you sign up for the transcription of her interview at Moms Wisdom, I have a special $20 off discount code you can take advantage of. I promise you’ll learn tons and enjoy the course so go ahead and sign up today. You’ll get a good taste of what Responsive Parenting and Mom Has Fun (sounds good, huh?) are all about.

parentbooksmall.gifOr, if you’re just interested in the ebook “Rule #1- Mom Has Fun”, you can get that here.

I’ll be posting more as I continue to go through the course myself. :-)


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