Gaiam Balance Ball Beginner’s Workout DVD

balance ball workoutGaiam Balance Ball Beginner’s Workout DVD
Rating: 7
Where to buy: Gaiam Balance Ball DVD Workout

Description: This is a workout DVD that will help the Gaiam Balance Ball Beginner get started.  With training from yoga, to Pilates and other training ideas, this DVD will give you the workout you need to build your body into a healthy body.

Review:  Everybody is into the exercise thing.  Which machine do I buy, what fitness place should I go to and on and on.  Everybody includes myself.  I work at home and to be honest have become the lazy bum.  I haven’t gained a lot of weight but I don’t have the energy I used to have or the stamina I need to have.  I knew in my heart I had to do something.

I bought the Gaiam Balance Ball with all that in mind.  Then I had this ball and other than just a few ideas I had in my own head I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do with it.  I found the DVD and now I work out everyday.

With this ball and DVD I exercise which in turn releases a lot of my stress and anxiety.  I use it in the late afternoon when time is available for me to concentrate on my exercise.  Suzanne Deason is the fitness trainer in this DVD and she does a great job. She takes things slow and speaks so you can understand and follow her.

There are 100 minutes of workout on this DVD so I never get bored because I’m doing the same thing over and over again.  I can pick and choose which exercises I want to do in my 45 minute time limit.

These is a great exercise DVD for anyone who wants to exercise, relieve some stress and just feel good about their health.  It’s not expensive and gives all the necessary information for a healthy workout of the heart, muscles and even the mind.

If you’re looking for a way to exercise and don’t want to mess with those big machines or going to the fitness center try this ball and DVD.  It’s worth the time and every healthy penny.

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