What makes you feel guilty?

December 7, 2006

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For me it’s when the kids are in bed and I think about my day and feel that I didn’t spend enough time playing with my kids. I find it hard to sit down and think and act like a kid… do you?

I’m working on this.

It’s much easier with older kids. The 8 year old and I play games together… hangman, card games, board games, etc. It’s much more challenging with the 5 and 3 year old.

My 3 year old likes to color, draw and cut paper, so I sit down with her and do this. I also enjoy playing with blocks. I’m not one to think that a parent needs to spend all day on the floor playing, and I include my kids in chores and cooking so that they have opportunity to talk and share their feelings with me. But sometimes I still feel guilty about not playing enough.

What about you? And have you read Devra and Aviva’s book?

Mommy Guilt: Learn to Worry Less, Focus on What Matters Most, and Raise Happier Kids

Listen to an interview with Mommy Guilt authors here or read the transcript.

See also: Motherhood without Guilt by Debra Rosenberg

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