Why Organic Crib Mattresses are Safer for Baby

Why Organic Crib Mattresses are Safer for Baby

We all want what is best for our babies. We prepare nutritional foods, ensure they get plenty of exercise, and promote general health in their daily lives. As newborns, we watch them constantly and cater to all their needs. However, there is one further area to discuss in depth, and that is crib mattresses. And why organic crib mattresses are safer for baby is an important issue which needs attention.

organic crib mattressScientists recently discovered that the chemicals in traditional crib mattresses may cause SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). These chemicals include antimony, which is used as a flame-retardant. In addition, polyurethane foam, pesticides, cotton that is treated with boric acid, latex, and other harmful toxins are known to be used in traditional mattresses in general, and crib mattresses in particular.

The good news is that there are 100% organic crib mattresses for babies, and you can find them either online or by contacting the Organic Consumers Association to obtain a list of accredited 100% organic stores that sell crib mattresses and related products.

When and if you decide to purchase an organic crib mattress for your baby, ensure that the label states it is 100% organic. Here’s an example of a 100% organic crib mattress. It is made of 100% organic cotton, has no vinyl, lead, or antimicrobial biocides, no antimony, no pesticides, or any of the other harsh toxins you would find in traditional mattresses.

An important point should be made at this juncture. Read the fine print on websites that offer “organic mattresses”. Descriptions may include polyurethane foam, yet it claims to be 100% organic. It isn’t. Also check the description of the mattress to ensure it does not say phosphorus, antimony, latex, or arsenic.

Keep in mind that while you are paying a bit more to afford your baby the opportunity to sleep comfortably without incurring any breathing problems or inhaling chemicals that are by-products in the mattress, it is worth the time to investigate and determine that the crib mattress for your baby is indeed 100% organic.

Another reason why organic crib mattresses are beneficial to your baby is that they are made with organic cotton filling which allows for better air circulation, thus enabling your child to breathe better. There is no latex or wool in organic mattresses either, so the chance of allergens is non-existent. In case of fire, you can be assured that cotton does not burst into flames – as opposed to polyurethane foam, which does.

Needless to say, organic cotton crib mattresses are not only natural but provide a healthier environment for your baby. After all, your baby will spend a great deal of time in the crib, so having one that is safe and comfortable is of immeasurable benefit and, as is your baby, priceless.

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