Back Online - Finally

May 19, 2009

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It took a week but I’m finally back online today. My new house wasn’t exactly wired for cable internet, so when the Comcast guy came, he had to arrange for an electrician to come and install a new cable outlet.

Thank goodness for my Blackberry. I’ve at least been able to check email, Twitter, and do some basic essential stuff.

We’re almost completely unpacked. The new place is a bit smaller than the duplex, and the closets are much smaller, so storage space is an issue.

It has an attic but the ladder is broken. My landlord is replacing it so I can use it. That should help me get stuff out of the way so that I can finally put things in their place.

I don’t have a lot of stuff, but off season clothing and homeschooling supplies I’m keeping, etc - it takes up a bit of space.

What have you been doing lately?

Creative Commons License photo credit: Andrew Mason

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