Bad Blogging Mama!

December 15, 2007

Oh boy is this embarrassing. I’ve been trying to get my office (which is a large closet which used to be a tiny kitchen but is still pretty small for an office) back in order, unpacking the boxes and putting stuff away. And what did I find but a $20 off Senseo coupon?

Not only did I forget to mail this out to the winner, but I forgot to CHOOSE a winner. Yikes! Well, I’ve had an excuse. First all 4 of the kids were sick (one at a time, several days apart, conveniently. Why can’t they ever get sick all at the same time so I don’t have to be stuck in the house for two weeks! LOL!), then I got it (some kind of sinus infection thing).

Then I got well, but we had to pack up all our belongings except what was in the kitchen and bathrooms because we got new laminate flooring… so of course all the furniture had to be moved out for the flooring guys, then moved back in…

so that included my desktop computer with the router, so even though my laptop floats around, I couldn’t get online for a few days. And you know how it is trying to unpack stuff and get organized again when you have 4 kids to feed/educate/clean/nurse/read to/clean up after etc?

So I’m so sorry to my contest winner – there were only two ladies who “submitted” their entry by commenting, so I’m doing my best to get my hands on another coupon so I can give one to BOTH of them.

Do I sound pathetic enough? Can you practice forgiveness? ;)

So Angie and Tori, would you both email me your snail mail addresses at carrie at carrielauth dot com and I’ll send a coupon out to you?

Thanks so much!

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3 Responses to “Bad Blogging Mama!”

  1. carrie on December 15th, 2007 11:59 pm

    Oh this is too funny – Angie commented that she no longer needed the coupon anyway. So it looks like I’m just late sending this to the only winner, Tori.

    Tori please send me your mailing address ok? ;)

  2. Angie on December 16th, 2007 2:05 am

    Congrats Tori! You will LOVE the Senseo and what a great deal the coupon is that you’re getting. I got a Senseo and used it for the first time today. Hubby used it the other night to make hot water for tea but we had the coffee this morning and it was pretty good. Now he wants one for his office but of course he wants the high end, top of the line Senseo LOL

    Everything works out as it should huh Carrie? *wink* Thanks for your offer though.

  3. Laminate & Hardwood Flooring on December 8th, 2008 6:43 pm

    Laminate & Hardwood Flooring…

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