How do you make money with a blog?

February 14, 2008

Today on Moms Morning Show Chele, Wendy, Kelly and I discussed making money with a blog and promoting your blog.

When Kelly asked, “How do you make money with your blog?”

My answer was this: “The quick easy answer is, the same way you make money with any other site: selling your own products, selling someone else’s products for a commission, Google Adsense and selling advertising.”

Wendy shared a word of caution when it comes to Text Link Ads and other sponsored posts, she said that Google recently decided to punish blogs who did so, which led to a decrease in her income.

Kelly also asked if there were any bloggers that I had learned from. Absolutely – I mentioned Tiffany Washko, Alice Seba, and Kelly McCausey. I made the observation that you can learn great blogging from ANY good blogger, regardless of their niche or the content of their blog.

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One Response to “How do you make money with a blog?”

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