Why You Need This: Menu Planner

June 4, 2007

I love using a menu planner. There are several reasons why:

  • It helps you feel on top of things. When you always know what’s for dinner, you feel better about the entire day
  • You’re going to eat a more nutritious diet automatically since you will be less likely to run by a fast food joint when you’re out of food or don’t know what to cook
  • You save money because you eat out less. Homecooked meals are cheaper.
  • You also save money at the store when you go in with a plan. No impulse buys and wandering the aisles aimlessly trying to make sense of things with little kids in tow.
  • Your family is happy because you’ll be spending more time around the family dinner table, something that research has shown leads to happier, healthier adolescents.

Now, we all know that making a weekly menu has benefits. The trouble is, we often don’t want to take the time to do it. That’s why menu planners are such a lifesaver.

There’s a cool new menu planning service that features healthy recipes and even recipes for picky kids. The menus, recipes, instructions and even shopping list are sent straight to your email inbox. You can get a free report by clicking here: Menu Planning Central

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One Response to “Why You Need This: Menu Planner”

  1. Karen Hossink on June 9th, 2007 8:35 pm

    I grew up with a mom who made a menu every week and a grocery list from that menu. Like many of the good things I learned from her, I copied this habit, too. I agree it is easy when you always know the answer to, “What’s for dinner?” And, yes, it does take a little extra time, but not as much time as it ultimately saves me!

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