Ingredients for Natural Beauty Treatments

March 10, 2009

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This is a post in a series about natural beauty treatments. Yesterday we talked about nutrition for healthy skin, as well as other lifestyle factors that contribute to natural beauty. natural beauty treatments

Today we’ll focus on individual ingredients you can use to make your own natural skin care products.

When making your own skin care treatments, the first step is to analyze your skin’s needs. Is it oily or dry? Is it prone to breakouts? Are you concerned about preventing or minimizing the appearance of wrinkles?

The answers to these questions will help determine which natural ingredients will be good for your skin and which you will use in your care products.

Ingredients for homemade facial cleansers:

  • Lemon juice - Lemon juice is known for its ability to cut grease, so it’s an obvious choice for reducing oil on the face. Those with oily skin can use it to make effective and great-smelling cleansers and toners.
  • Witch hazel - You can find witch hazel at most drugstores. It is often used alone as a gentle yet powerful astringent for oily skin, and it also makes a good ingredient in skin care recipes.
  • Strawberries - Strawberries are also good for oily skin. They are often used in toners. Strawberries can also be used to create a whitening treatment for the teeth.
  • Cornmeal - Cornmeal has a drying effect and is also an exfoliant. It’s great in masks and scrubs for oily skin.
  • Apples - Apple pulp and apple juice are both good for oily skin. They reduce oil and exfoliate.
  • Tea tree oil - This essential oil works very well against acne. I use a drop as an acne spot treatment. I apply it overnight and the pimple is dried up by morning. Use sparingly in cleansers and toners, because tea tree oil is highly potent and may dry the skin.
  • Oats - Oatmeal is good for dry or sensitive skin. You can also use raw, ground oats to make an exfoliant to remove dead skin.
  • Olive oil - Olive oil provides moisture without being too greasy. It is most often used on dry or combination skin, but may also be used in small amounts in treatments for oily skin. It contains antioxidants that help protect your skin from the effects of aging. It’s great for removing makeup too.
  • Yogurt/Buttermilk/Kefir - Those with dry or sensitive skin will find a yogurt mask very soothing. The mild acids in the milk aids in sloughing off dead skin cell and leaves the skin nice and soft.
  • Eggs - Eggs are also very moisturizing. They may be beaten and combined with olive oil to make a great moisturizing treatment. A raw egg white can be applied to the skin and left to dry to tighten up sagging facial skin.
  • Cocoa butter - Cocoa butter leaves skin soft and supple. It may be used in dry skin or wrinkle treatments.
  • Honey - Honey is used in treatments for every skin type. It adds moisture without being greasy and makes the skin super soft. It is also effective against wrinkles and fine lines. Honey is one of the oldest beauty treatments in the world, with good reason. Since it’s antibacterial, it helps prevent breakouts too.
  • Banana - Bananas are very moisturizing. They are often used in fighting wrinkles as well.

Some of these ingredients have a consistency that makes it easy to use them on their own. Ingredients like yogurt and honey can be easily smoothed on the face. Bananas and strawberries can simply be mashed and applied as a mask. Others must be mixed with other ingredients to make a solution, cream or paste.

Tomorrow? We’ll combine some of these ingredients to make natural skin care recipes!

Creative Commons License photo credit: amanda tait

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2 Responses to “Ingredients for Natural Beauty Treatments”

  1. Amy L. Hass on March 11th, 2009 11:27 am

    Another tip for blemishes: apply a thick paste of baking soda and peroxide before bedtime. Wash off in the morning!

  2. cosmetic brushes on March 20th, 2009 9:16 am

    Excellent post, I myself stick to nothing but all natural beauty products. I am also very aware of the foods I eat as this is one of the main causes of bad health and most skin and odor issues.

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