Bath Milk Treatment for Dry Winter Skin

November 16, 2008

I don’t know about you, but when the air starts to turn dry and the central heat goes on, my skin starts to turn dry and ashy. If dry skin or eczema is a chronic problem, try eating more healthy fats to get more Omega 3’s into your diet, as well as leafy greens, fish and nuts. Taking fish oil capsules or cod liver oil is also great for your skin and especially if you experience some winter blues, it may help combat the depression.

Soaking in the bath is nice, but during the winter it can be even more drying to overbathe, especially if you aren’t adding moisture back into your skin.

I found a wonderful recipe for a milk bath treatment that I am looking forward to trying out. you should feel what I feelThis will turn your bathtime into a spa experience. Safe even for babies (and Daddies too if he’s so inclined!).
Creative Commons License photo credit: Unfurled

The ingredients are simple and easy to find in a Whole Foods or other large health-y food store, and this recipe would be an awesome gift for the ladies in your life too.

Buy up some reusable muslin tea bags or small glass jars to store it in, top with a pretty ribbon and small gift card cut out of a recycled greeting card, and you have an inexpensive gift that ANY woman would love.

Cleopatra’s Bath Milk

2 cups powdered milk (powdered goat’s milk would be specially good)
1 Tablespoon Jojoba or Sweet Almond Oil
2 Tablespoons dried rose petals
1/2 cup ground oatmeal (grind oats finely in your blender)
10 drops lavender essential oil or other favorite oil

Mix all ingredients well and keep in a glass jar in the refrigerator. To use, put as much as you like into your bath under running water.

You can also buy reusable muslin tea bags and place the mixture in these. To use, just drop one in the bath water.

NaBloPoMo #18

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