A Book of His Own

January 24, 2009

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When I was little, my parents had a book made for me that featured my name and my best friend and pet’s names.

I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and practically wore the thing threadbare. In fact, I still have it somewhere. It was very special to me.

Frecklebox asked me if I would tell you about their personalized story books, posters and coloring books and I jumped at the chance to get one.

I asked them to send a personalized book to my 7 year old son Julien, who struggles a bit with reading. When he opened the package, his face totally lit up. It took him a minute to “get it”, but once he did he was positively thrilled.

He feels like a celebrity.

personalized story book for JulienThis is him reading his very own personalized book.

I’ve never seen him learn a new book so quickly as he is learning this one.

This book has a nature theme and features the child’s name written with autumn leaves, clouds, ladybugs, flowers, shells, rocks, birds, and stars.

They say every person’s favorite sound is the sound of their own name.

I think it’s true. :-)

p.s. That’s spy gear around his chest

Visit Frecklebox to see their entire line up of personalized books for kids.

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3 Responses to “A Book of His Own”

  1. Esper on January 27th, 2009 6:07 pm

    Your son’s name is Julien? That’s awesome, mine is Julián! :)

  2. Kishma on January 28th, 2009 9:29 am

    This is a very good idea. I know my daughter will LOVE IT!

  3. Monica on January 29th, 2009 11:48 am

    Looks great. I’ve heard of them or maybe a similar product. Great that they have an Spanish version too :)

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