No Benefit to Filling Kid’s Cavities?

June 23, 2009

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A couple of months ago I shared that one of my biggest regrets as a mom was allowing my son Julien to undergo oral surgery as a toddler.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Finizio

I have found in this whole mothering gig that every time I ignore my strong instinct, I regret it.

This is just another example.

Today I came across this link from BBC News that points to the possibility that there is “No proof” that filling kid’s cavities does any good. According to the article:

…anecdotal evidence gathered from the case notes of 50 dentists suggests filling baby teeth may achieve nothing but expose children to the discomfort of an injection and the sound of the drill.”

Obviously more research needs to be done. The article also mentioned:

“Professor Martin Tickle, of the University of Manchester, found no difference in the numbers of extractions for pain or infection whether baby teeth had been filled or not.”

Like Doctors, Dentists love to use scare tactics to frighten parents into doing unnatural, painful things with to their precious children. Things that go against every fibre of their moral sense.

Things like:

  • You have to jab that child with a needle every couple of months starting from the time they’re 5 minutes old with a concoction of poisons so they won’t die of a loathsome disease.
  • You have to tear that child away from your bosom before he or you are ready, so they will become “independent”.
  • You must not let that child sleep in your bed or (gasp!) “use you as a pacifier” because you’ll make them needy.
  • You have to send that child away to school so they can get  a “proper” (who the hell gets to decide what *that* is?) education.
  • Oh and last but not least, you have to cut off nearly 80% of your son’s genitalia and reduce his sensitivity by 75% so he will be “clean”.

Then we find out from those very experts that this stuff is, well…
photo credit: holisticmonkey
Creative Commons License

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2 Responses to “No Benefit to Filling Kid’s Cavities?”

  1. Monica on July 8th, 2009 12:57 am

    I’ve also had my son exposed to dental treatments. When I first realized he (we) was prone to cavities I was just back to the city and didn’t know a good dental practitioner. I ended up having one of his tooth extracted, and I believe the problem developed after several wrong made fillings.
    On the other side, I’ve noticed an immense recovery on his oral health after we’ve made nutritional changes and stopped using baby tooth paste.
    *Most* dentinsts that I’ve asked about the cause of cavities have given me vague answers. Others say the cause is unknown…”but fluor does good”.

  2. Dentists Fort Lauderdale on January 19th, 2010 2:51 am

    That was very interesting fact. I think I couldn’t agree with it more. Since they have baby teeth and it will be replaced back with permanent ones, we should try to train them instead for a more healthier oral condition.

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