Blag – It’s Not Morning Sickness, It’s a Meme!

August 21, 2007

Nell has “blagged” me so here are my 8 things. It’s hard to come up with a theme, but I read a lot so I’ll post 8 quickie book reviews, k?

8 Books That Can Change Your Life

The Bible
‘Nuf said

Spiritual Midwifery
After reading this book, I decided I would have my next baby at home. And so I did, 3 times. :) It’s the story of women who gave birth with Ina Mae Gaskin’s help at the Farm, a commune in Tennessee. It will certainly change the way you view birth.

Nourishing Traditions
I love reading anything that makes me question things and overturns my paradigms. Don’t you? This one accomplishes that, around food. It piggybacks off of Dr. Weston A. Price’s Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, an amazing book about a Dentist who traveled the world studying native cultures and their diets, and how when white missionaries entered the picture, everone’s health deteriorated, fast. Fascinating stuff! Nourishing Traditions is the cookbook for Dr Price’s ideas.

Diaper Free – The Gentle Wisdom of Infant Hygiene
Ditto! This one questions our American ideas around babies and potties. Even if you don’t do EC, this one is really cool, as it causes you to question modern childrearing practices, similar to The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost, which also talked about EC and how women in much of the world wear their babies all day and don’t get soiled on.

How To Really Love Your Child
Simple, and easy to remember. 3 things you can do in minutes every day to ensure your child really feels loved. A classic!

Learning All The Time
Growing kids without “schooling” them. John Holt at his best. It will open your eyes to the roots of the unschooling philosophy.

How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor
Another classic! You are the best Doctor your child will ever have. Most things are better by morning. Learn to trust you.

The Attractor Factor
Life really is about what you focus on. Change your thoughts, change your life. Great for all types of applications, the least of which is personal finance.

Ok, your turn. Here are the rules:
• Each player starts with eight random facts or habits about his or her self.
• These blagged chosen ones are to write posts on their own blog about these eight facts.
• They are also to post these rules.
• At the end of their blog they will list eight people they have chosen to blag by listing their name and a link to their blog.

Ya’ll can post about my topic or 8 jobs you’ve held or anything else you’d like to talk about. Just keep it to a theme.  (8 jobs you’d held, 8 cars you’ve had, 8 books you’ve read and couldn’t put down…etc)

Your turn!

Diana, Jen, Stephanie

More Posts By Carrie:


2 Responses to “Blag – It’s Not Morning Sickness, It’s a Meme!”

  1. Jen @ One Moms World on August 23rd, 2007 6:53 am

    Hey… I blagged you last week. ;)

    Read it here:

    Loved your take on the blag!

  2. carrie on August 23rd, 2007 5:04 pm

    It took me a couple of days but I finally figured that out. I was wondering why you didn’t respond, but it was because you had already done it. LOL!

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